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英語考試背景知識013---Hummingbird 蜂鳥向前向後飛
準到受不了,8月12日最新機精全是上課教過的哦  ^^
聽力:1 關於hummingbird
2 congitive 關於認知
啊,ETS 的出題,真的完全被我們給猜透了,這些背景知識與相關詞匯,都是我上課有教過的啊。  也完完全全都在橘寶書的內容裡的哦。
另外:同學也要注意的是听力與閱讀一樣也是分section考的,考完第一個section後,會準備進入下一個section,再來有可能會有第三個section。 閱讀與听力的題量是有比例的。閱讀考到五篇的同學,听力就會考六篇,閱讀考到三篇的同學,听力應該就會有九篇。 所以要記得熟悉考試的型態,不然一點點影響都是分數的關鍵的哦。  同學們加油的啊。
1個小時前剛結束考試,一個字,「累」,4個半小時,時間真是真分奪秒啊~~剛剛type完,時間也就到了。考試2小時後,中途只休息10分鐘。由於今天是下午3:30才開考,作聽力後半部分時,餓的要命,建議大家一定帶多些食物,還好我有準備,趕快吃了些餅乾,巧克力補充能量,否則絕對暈到。T不僅是智力活,也是體力活。。。我記得的東西不是很多,不過講講自己的感想。個人覺得題比Kaplan簡單,開始練習的時候用的K,被打擊了,只能硬著頭皮上了。我很鬱悶的是聽力。ETS真的很煩哦,他把聽力都分成好幾段,最初只有一篇聽力,語速很慢,簡單,然後說,endsthis section,然後連著來兩篇,也不快,簡單,又提示endsthis section,我以為沒有了,結果一按continue,哦,又來兩篇,語速明顯快於前面,難度加大
,累,做完後,continue,好像又來了,,,說實話,我都忘了做了多少篇,只知道不停得作啊做啊,肚子餓啊餓啊機精來源:cd Iswear1230 mm 謝謝她 ^^
Hummingbird‥ Hummingbird is a family of birds that contains the smallest bird in the world.
‥ The smallest of the hummingbirds is the bee hummingbird, which is a native of Cuba .
‥ Hummingbirds are known for their rapid flight; their strong wing beat is so rapid that it produces a hum, which accounts for their common name.
‥ They feed on nectar and tiny insects found within flowers, and hover in front of the flower as they reach for their food with their long, extensible tongues.
‥ To move away from the flowers, hummingbirds must fly backwards, and they are the only birds capable of this maneuver. It was said the idea of invention of helicopter was inspired in part by the hummingbird.
‥ The slender bills of hummingbirds vary in size and amount of curvature according to the size and shape of the flowers favored by each species.



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